Why Does The Alarm Keep Going Off At Night At Folsom Lowe's?
FOLSOM (CBS13) — Neighbors in Folsom are frustrated by an alarm going off week after week, and they say it's coming from the Lowe's store on Bidwell Street.
"This is not a single event, it happens weekly!" said Ryan Mohondro, who lives nearby. "I've called multiple times with no response. I've gone into the store and asked for multiple managers and left my name!"
Mohondro said the alarm has been going off every weekend for the last year.
"12, 1, 2, 3 in the morning," he said.
"It's crazy, it's loud!" said Jodi Hall. "I thought that somebody's house was being broken into."
Mohondro thought it was a car alarm, but after several weeks, he decided to investigate.
"I'm in my sweatpants, driving around, looking like a crazy man at two in the morning," he told CBS13.
He finally discovered that the alarm was coming from the Lowe's store a half-mile away from his bedroom window. The next day, he went to the store to make a complaint.
"The store manager and a couple of other people have said that it's a rodent and bird problem in the store, setting off the motion sensors," Mohondro explained.
But every Friday and Saturday, the alarms persisted. Finally, Mohondro posted on Lowe's Facebook page in October asking them to take action.
The company replied saying, "Ryan, we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Your situation has been escalated, and we have documented your concerns for further review."
But the alarms kept going off.
"Every time it goes off now, I call the police, and I meet the officer out at Lowe's," Mohondro said.
Folsom Police Department told CBS13 they got three calls over Veterans Day weekend and reached out to management to find a solution.
"Why they haven't been able to fix it, I don't understand," Hall said.
But Ryan hopes additional pressure from neighbors will force the store to silence the alarms.
"This has been going on for a year, and if [the manager] says that he's been correcting the problem, it probably should have been taken care of a year ago!" Mohondro said.
We reached out to Lowe's, but the store manager was unavailable to comment. We also reached out to the Lowe's corporate office, and they said they are looking into and working to get it resolved soon.