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Florin High Athlete Remembered For Sacrifice in Afghanistan

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A former Florin High School athlete is being remembered as a hero who sacrificed his life for our country.

Army Spc. Ray Ramirez, 20, died this weekend when an improvised explosive device exploded near his unit in Afghanistan.

Friends of Ramirez say he always wanted to serve his country.

"He said, 'Honestly coach, I just want to fight for our country,'" said Ramirez's high school baseball coach Randy Davis. "This was a young man who was intent on being a hero and defending our country."

His friends are coming together to remember the man who made them laugh. And they say there's no better place to be than the baseball field where Ramirez knew how to hit it out of the park.

"When we come to the school, it's like a part of him that's still here," said Alex Lewis. "It brings us all together a little bit and we just keep in our prayers and keep on thinking about him."

"It's just heartbreaking," said Felicia Owens. "You didn't realize the person who is like a brother to you would be gone."

His memory will never be forgotten here. He was a young man who stood tall on the diamond as a shining example of a fellow player and fellow American who made the ultimate sacrifice.

"Nobody will ever wear that jersey again while I'm here," Davis said. "I'm proud of the young man."

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