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Fantasy Football Gurus; The Drive - 8/19/16


Dave, Kayte, and Nate start your Friday with Olympics talk featuring the speed walking competition and Team USA basketball vs Spain. They also discuss the Oakland Raiders loss to the Green Bay Packers in week two of the preseason last night. Finally some San Francisco 49ers conversation to end the hour.

Listen to the whole hour here:




The guys start the 2nd hour with the latest on Ryan Lochte followed by 4 Down Territory featuring Tom Brady, the Raiders, fantasy football, and more. Then, fantasy football guru Dave Richard joins the show to share his tips and tricks for this year's fantasy football season.

Listen to the whole hour here: 



Listen to the Dave Richard interview here:




The gang share the statement put out by Ryan Lochte on twitter and discuss weather or not his apology is sincere and how this incident will stay with him for the rest of his professional career. Dave, Kayte, and Nate begin to wrap up the show talking Olympic volleyball and basketball followed by UFC talk.

Listen to the whole hour here:


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