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Family searches for dog after chaotic events in Lotus

LOTUS (CBS13) — One family is searching for their red fox Labrador after he ran away following a series of unfortunate events, including a car accident and a rattlesnake bite.

It was supposed to be an easy afternoon walk for Kim Verner and her dog Ruger.

"There was suddenly a lot of chaos… Ambulance and fire trucks all came in super quick, and there was a helicopter."

Says Kim Verner until Henningsen Lotus Park became a rescue scene as officials responded to a nearby river accident. Then, as Verner watched the rescue in front of her, a loud crash from behind grabbed her attention.

"This car just came barreling down the bank, and it came onto the lawn, and I just ran as fast as I could," she said.

Kim and her red fox Labrador were unable to outrun the car.

"It clipped my arm and I fell and when I fell the leash pulled off."

Verner quickly realized Ruger was gone.

When the chaos from the river rescue and unrelated car crash settled, Verner searched for Ruger until dark; the following day, her 18-year-old son Luke took over.

"I was up on monument trail. I was focused on the side of the trail, focused on my phone… I was wearing flip-flops and shorts. I was able to search for a few hours before I stepped right on a rattlesnake, and it bit me."

Luke Verner was alone, forced to call 911 and get himself out of the woods to the ambulance.

Luke made it to Placerville's Marshall Medical Center to get the venom within an hour.

Luke was in the ICU recovering for 24 hours — only worried about one thing — finding Ruger.

"We just want our dog to come home."

The family has posted his picture in the Lotus area, hoping anyone who's seen him will call.

"He loves treats, he has a very distinct black spot on his tongue. It would be a happy ending to a terrible story."

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