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Elk Grove Sky River Casino reveals new plan to handle traffic issues

Elk Grove Sky River Casino reveals new plan to handle traffic issues
Elk Grove Sky River Casino reveals new plan to handle traffic issues 02:12

ELK GROVE —The Sky River Casino has been open for weeks, and a new plan is being put together to tackle traffic issues.

The Elk Grove Police Department will add officers to casino security, but who's responsible for paying the officers?

Elk Grove's newest attraction draws thousands of visitors daily, but residents aren't happy about the traffic.

"All of these streets were filled with casino-goers, and that was off-putting," said Brandon Sherman, who lives in Elk Grove.

The Elk Grove City council is adopting a resolution to provide additional police officers to the casino when needed.

Off-duty officers can participate in the extra duty employment program, allowing them to work security for private businesses or events. The Chief approves the off-duty hours.

The Elk Grove Police Department says, "[The] Extra Duty Program does not affect our ability to provide the high level of service our community expects and deserves."

"Given that this is a casino, there's a lot of money here; people walk out with money, so it's important to have security," says casino guest Leonard Suguitan.

The casino pays the off-duty officers based on an agreement between the business and the city that reads, in part, "Wilton Rancheria will reimburse the City at the average overtime rate ...."

"As long as the police officers in Elk Grove are doing their job, which they always do, I'm all about it," says casino guest Sean Robinson.

Sky River did not disclose how much they plan to spend on off-duty officers.

The number of additional officers working in the casino area will depend on the night. Sky River did not disclose how much money they plan to spend on off-duty officers. The number of additional officers working in the Casino area will depend on the night.

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