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Education Prepared Sacramento Project Manager To Meet Customer's Goals

Almost anything tangible manufactured or constructed in the modern world must meet certain certifications and qualifications for quality, safety, health, environmental and social responsibility. In today's economic client, any deviation from these details usually means fines and added costs to a project budget. Bureau Veritas partners with clients to make sure that these certifications and qualifications are being met through risk mitigation and management.

An important part of what Bureau Veritas does is developing business applications to meet the needs of a client's project to make sure that a project is completed in a timely fashion and within budget. That's where Kyle Froling comes in.

Originally a communications major at San Diego State University, Froling soon realized that his real passion lied in IT management technology after pursuing media design. Shortly after graduating and one year with a previous employer, Froling joined Bureau Veritas where he quickly rose in the ranks to his current management position.

Froling is the business applications project manager for Bureau Veritas North America, working out of their Sacramento office, and has been with the company for more than ten years. As an overall IT project manager, Froling's business applications benefit some of the world's largest companies. By working with developers, network teams, systems teams and business unit managers, Froling makes sure that any project presented to him comes in on time and under budget.

According to Froling, some of the most rewarding aspects of his job include taking in new clients and by going through the process of project management, cultivate meaningful relationships that last long after a project is done. "Witnessing their growth from anxious newly diagnosed patients to confident and healthful individuals is the best part of my job," he said.

The foundation for Froling's interpersonal skills and pattern of excellence in meeting client's timely needs stems largely from his earlier higher education. "I believe my education helped prepare me to meet deadlines and developed my steady work ethic," Froling said.

Whether it's something as small as quality assurance on toys or reviewing the plans for a stadium, Froling's IT management expertise will always be in demand.

Paulo Acoba is a California native raised in the Bay Area and living in the Central Valley. He enjoys distance running, cycling and grassroots motorsports. He holds a degree in management from the University of California Merced. Paulo has been writing for since 2012 and covering the Fresno area.

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