Dog Nearly Starved To Death Now Under Care At Woodland Animal Rescue
WOODLAND (CBS13) - A puppy whose life started out as sheer torture is getting a second chance thanks to a Yolo County animal rescue.
"He's had a lifelong, six to seven months of horrendous puppyhood," Rotts of Friends Animal Rescue founder Renee Lancaster told CBS13 on Thursday. "He hasn't had a puppyhood."
Left with no food for months, Doogie is now skin and bones.
"He had to have been somewhere in a basement yard tied up and escaped or dumped," she said.
Found on County Road 27 in Woodland so malnourished, even his hair could not grow. Doogie also was suffering from a skin disease that left him bloody and itchy.
"The dog was hypothermic and cold from being on streets," she said.
Not just cold without hair but so bare Renee says veterinarians couldn't make out what kind of dog he is.
"Everyone's angry," she said. "We want this followed up on."
Doogie was close to being euthanized, but Renee stepped in and said she'd take him in. Now she's offering a $1,000 reward for anyone with information on who left Doogie to die.
"Two miles from UC Davis and in wealthy areas, this is happening," she said.
She takes countless cases of neglect and abuse but said what happened to Doogie is by far the most horrendous and heartbreaking she's seen.