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Delta College Bookstore Robbed Again

STOCKTON (CBS13) -- Surveillance video shows a trio of burglars on a mission at the Delta College bookstore.

One takes a sledge hammer to the door. Once inside, they sprint toward the electronics display.

Caught on video footage is a clear picture of one with a red bandana covering his face, grabbing everything in sight.

"We're talking about iPads, Apple laptops, iPods," Officer Jim Bock of the college police department said of the targeted items. "Bagging them up and taking them out."

Police say the smash-and-grab style burglary only lasted about 90 seconds and then the trio disappears. The tripped alarm tipped off police during the burglary.

"We were on scene in a minute," Bock said.

But not fast enough.

Investigators say this is the second time bad guys have targeted the campus bookstore.

Employees say this time burglars got away with $5,000 worth of electronics.

The recent break-in, coupled with a similar burglary six weeks ago, means the college bookstore has now taken a $15,000 hit. And workers fear students may be the ones stealing.

"We feel it's a young person, we think they are students only because we put computers in last week and then it happened," said bookstore employee Vince Castillo.

Students were stunned to learn about the second break-in Tuesday.

"I honestly feel like this is the second act and something does need to be done," Hailey Lewis said. "Students are being deprived of the stuff they could use on a
daily basis."

Police are working to see if the crimes are connected, sifting through hours of video from the 100 cameras watching over the campus.

"But they've covered their identities fairly well so they made it a challenge," Bock said of finding the suspects.

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