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DEFEND YOUR RIDE: Jose At River City Tattoos

"Nobody can drive my motorcycle!"

The Ride
The Driver: Jose
Car in Question: 2005 Black Harley Davidson Sportster
Spotted at: River City Tattoos at Old Sacramento, 1028 2nd Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Odometer: 17,000
Bike's Nickname: La Prieta


Q: La Prieta…what does that mean?

A: It's "the dark one" [in Spanish].

Q: Why did you choose that name?

A: Because the color is all black. The paint and everything is all black, so that's why I call it that.

Q: How long have you had it?

A: About six months.

Q: Wow, so you just got it?

A: Yeah, just got it. I used to ride in Mexico, but this is my first motorcycle from here.

Q: How long have you lived in Sacramento?

A: Almost 12 years.

Q: How did you end up here?

A: My uncle invited me to come over and I was supposed to come just for one year and it's been 12 years already and I'm still living here. I like it, like to live here.

Q: What's your favorite part about living here?

A: There are nice people and the city's not too big, so everything is close. You've got two hours to snow, two hours to water. Everything is closer here.

Q: How did you get the bike?

A: It was the best opportunity. It was somebody in a divorce. His wife was selling the bike and I looked on the Internet and found it on Craigslist, so I got a good price. She was happy to sell it to me and I was happy to enjoy it.

Q: Nice. How much did you pay for it?

A: I got it for $4,500.

Q: That's a good deal!

A: Yeah, it is, it is.

Q: How many miles have you personally put on it?

A: Two-thousand.

Q: Why are you in Old Sacramento today?

A: Just having fun. Just came over for a walk and to meet people and just enjoy the weather. It's pretty nice right now.

Q: What neighborhood do you live in? What's the zip code?

A: I live in Oak Park, 95817.

Q: How old are you?

A: Thirty-two.

Q: What's your bike's main use? Do you use it to commute or is it just for fun?

A: Yeah, that's my hobby. I love riding my bike. And I use it for work, too. I drive it to work.

Q: Is it your main ride?

A: Yeah.

Q: Awesome. How much time do you spend on it in an average day?

A: About three to four hours.

Q: Is that from a long commute or riding around?

A: Just riding around, having fun.

Q:What's your favorite place to ride to?

A: Right here, Old Sac. Old Sac and right by the Sacramento River, right by the side. It's pretty nice.

Q: What's the worst part about your drive to work?

A: Sometimes the traffic is bad or the people are kind of rude and we understand that, but I have to be careful with everybody right in the front and back and on the sides.

Q: What's the furthest place you've driven on this bike?

A: Jackson, out at the casino.

Q: Did you win anything?

A: No, we lost $20, $40.

Q: What was your first car?

A: It was a Buick. White Buick, 1993.

Q: How long did you have it?

A: I had it for at least eight years until the police took it because I was parking on my street and I don't pay for the sticker, so they took it.

Q: That stinks!

A: Yeah.

Q: Any rules for riders on your bike?

A: Just be careful all the time. The girlfriend can't drive it. Nobody can drive my motorcycle!

Q: You're the only one?

A: Yeah, I'm the only one!

Q: If your bike had a theme song, what would it be?

A: I like Lenny Kravitz. I like all the songs by Lenny Kravitz. I enjoy them. So it might be one of those. "American Woman" is one of my favorites.

Q: If your car had a human emotion, what would it be?

A: It's wild. I like it. It's all the emotion. You can feel it, a lot of emotion.

Q: Why do you say that?

A: Because when you drive it, you can feel it. The whole body shakes, the whole motor. It's like riding a horse. You can feel everything.

Q: Do you prefer motorcycles over cars?

A: I like them better than cars, yeah.

Q: What are you most proud of about your bike?

A: Probably the motor. That's one the best bikes in the U.S.A. Harley Davidson is one of the best ones, especially the motor. And the noise! The best thing I like on these motorcycles is the noise, how they sound. It's pretty nice.

Q: What's your absolute dream car?

A: I like Ferraris. I don't like too many gas cars, but I like how it looks and especially the motor and everything.

Q: Would you ever trade in your motorcycle for a car?

A: Oh yeah, shhhh. Yeah, absolutely. <whispering>

Q: Is there anything else we should know about your bike?

A: I really like it. It's my first bike here and I enjoy it a lot. I've got my girlfriend and we enjoy it together, so that's most of it.

Are you ready to Defend Your Ride? If so, email with "Defend Your Ride Sacramento" in the subject line for submission details.

Photos and interview by Lisa Palmer

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