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Davis Turkey Problem Getting Shipped To Yuba County

DAVIS (CBS13) — A turkey problem in Davis may be shipped out of the area, as the city plans to send half of its wild turkeys to Yuba County.

The capture and relocation plan is underway for the birds the city calls a safety hazard.

About 25 of the turkeys were rounded up in March and relocated, and 25 more are expected to be shipped out in the fall.

The city says the turkey population has boomed from six in 2006 to nearly 100 in 2016.

That increase has led to numerous problems, from turkeys eating gardens to 911 calls from frightened residents.

"In one case, somebody was cornered up against a building, and every time they would try to move, the turkey would gobble and threaten them," said Davis wildlife resource specialist John McNerney.

A lethal option for remedying all the turkeys was rejected by city residents. One turkey nicknamed Tom, who was a regular presence downtown, was killed after city officials say he became a safety concern.

The plan to move the turkeys to a Yuba County wildlife area is expected to cost more than $20,000 with additional funds needed for later roundups.

The Davis City Council is also considering an ordinance that would fine residents who feed the turkeys.


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