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Coronavirus Disproportionately Impacting California Black And Brown Communities

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Coronavirus is hitting California's black residents hard.

"Black and brown communities are being disproportionately devastated by COVID-19," Turlock's Colin Kaepernick said in a video posted to his Twitter.


"That's why we've established the Know Your Rights Camp COVID-19 relief fund," Kaepernick said.

The fund comes days after hundreds of young urban teens were seen in a crowded street, close together ignoring the effects of this pandemic.

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The death rate in the community alone is twice the percentage of the population. Its the only racial group seeing these amazing disparity numbers.

Some California lawmakers say disparities in the black community do exist in our state, especially when the death rate due to coronavirus which is twice as much as the population.

Political and health leaders around the state - will hold a live event on social media calling for more resources and protective gear to be dispersed in black and brown communities.

READ: Sacramento Pastor Calls For More Resources In African American Communities During Coronavirus Pandemic

"We got to talk about testing and these stay at home orders and recognize the impact it has on working-class people," State Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) said.

The Facebook live event will be held on Senator Mitchell's page Saturday morning.

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