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Sacramento company buys land to block homeless from camping near Johnston Business Park

Sacramento businesses turning to buying land to block homeless camps
Sacramento businesses turning to buying land to block homeless camps 02:08

SACRAMENTO - Businesses along Lathrop Way in Sacramento have been calling on the city to clear homeless campers for years, and now one local business owner is taking matters into their own hands.

Dan Caputo Company manages office space in the Johnston Business District area. The transformation on the street did not happen until the company bought the land that runs right along the levee for $800, making it private. 

"We had difficulty to get the city to remove the campers there," said Tim Kerr, general manager of the American River Flood Control District. "The public ownership adds a lot of difficulties and challenges when it comes time to restrict camping." 

Dan Caputo Company purchased the land from the American River Flood Control District. It is a public entity that manages the levee. The district was able to sell it with a flood control easement. 

"We now have all the access rights we need to maintain the levee, but since the parcel is privately owned, police have more leeway to respond and correct some of the problem situation with the camping on that parcel," said Kerr. 

Private property signs now line Lathrop Way in Sacramento, but why did it take a company privately purchasing the land for enforcement to happen? 

Janna Haynes with Sacramento County Homeless Services and Housing said, due to the 9th Circuit Court decision of Martin v. Boise, cities and counties cannot remove homeless from public spaces if there is not enough shelter space. 

"We cannot relocate someone from anywhere unless we are able to offer them something," Haynes said. 

Kerr said the homeless campers did disrupt some businesses in maintaining the levee, such as trimming trees. 

"We do not mind foot traffic and recreation, but long-term camping is just not a tolerable practice to have on the levee," said Kerr. 

In a press release from the Dan Caputo Company, it lists the reasons why clients have feared for their safety since the encampment started in November 2019. Some of these reasons included: At least four dead bodies being found in and around the encampment, illegal drug and sex worker activities, and campfires directly on the levees. 

"For the past several years, we have pressed local officials to take a more active role in addressing a variety of dangerous and illegal activities along Lathrop Way which have endangered our business tenants and the people living in the encampment," said property owner Phil Rolla in a press release. "As we continue to await an authoritative response from the City of Sacramento, purchasing this land parcel has proven to be one of our team's most constructive steps toward establishing a greater sense of safety and security in the area." 

The businesses CBS13 spoke with along Lathrop Way are grateful a private purchase equaled enforcement. But, just down the street, people are still living out of RVs. 

"Everybody is hoping that the community, the government can find some permanent form of housing for the campers," said Kerr. 

Haynes told CBS13 the amount of homeless across the county has been increasing over the past several years and it is trying to meet people where they are to help. 

"We are certainly leading the charge with more funding, more programs and more services," said Haynes. 

The City of Sacramento said, since August, it has responded to 208 "311 calls" on Lathrop Way and removed 946 cubic yards of trash. 

Following a three-week notification process to the homeless campers on Lathrop, enforcement and cleanup happened on March 3, 2023. 

The City of Sacramento gave CBS 13 this statement about what it is doing to address the homeless crisis: 

"The City's Department of Community Response has been providing outreach in this area regularly, working to connect people experiencing homelessness with all available services. In addition, City Code Compliance has been active in this area as well, providing notice and enforcement of California Vehicle Code. And the Sacramento Police Department has responded to calls regarding illegal activity." 

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