Colfax Residents On The Lookout For Spot Fires As They Return, Hoping Their Homes Are Spared
COLFAX (CBS13) - The River Fire burned through Nevada and Placer counties. While fire crews continue to get the wildland blaze under control, families are being allowed to return home, including neighbors like the McGuire family.
"It was kind of amazing. We were told it was gone and then we got a call it was saved," said Colfax resident Mindee McGuire.
With dry conditions and plenty to burn, cal fire tells us the river fire exploded with ease, adding another unpredictable fire to 2021 's season.
"The River Fire moved very quickly," said Cal Fire Division Chief Mike Rufenacht.
Of the 10 largest wildfires in California history, five occurred in 2020. We asked Rufenacht if this year's fire season will be worse.
"We're always planning for the next fire season to be worse than the last. That's just what we do," he said.
Crews were pulled from the massive Dixie Fire to fight the River Fire.
"Our crews are very tired," said Rufenacht.
Now that evacuated residents are returning home, they're asking for help.
"Part of the public being into those areas now. That's just another set of eyes we can use they can help us," he said.
In Colfax 14-year-old Kylee McGuire is using her dirt bike to patrol the neighborhood for spot fires.
"We saw one fire and we called them over there. I had to ride down there and show them where it was. They put it out," she said.
Kylee's first day of school is tomorrow but she'll continue to be on the lookout for flames.
"I'd rather do that than have it actually start then come up the hill to our house," she said.
If you are returning home, be aware for weakened trees that may fall, and if you see any hot spots pop up call 911, Cal Fire warns.
If you're a resident, you can get back home by going to Colfax Elementary School on Ben Taylor Road after 9 a.m. You'll need to show your ID for proof of address.