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CK: Charged 6 Gallons More Than My Tank Can Hold!

ORANGEVALE, Calif. (CBS13) -- We all look at the price when we're pumping gas but do you ever look at how many gallons have gone in there? She did and when the pump charged her for six more gallons than her tank could hold, she struggled to find out why!

"I just thought this is a glitch, this is a mistake," says Laura Ice, Orangevale resident.

Laura watched the amount of gas going in her 2003 Prius at this Shell station on Greenback Lane.

"And I thought, $58, that's a lot! And I looked and it said 17.7 gallons," says Laura.

Odd because Laura's Prius can only hold 11.9 gallons. Charged for almost six extra gallons, she says the gas attendant told her to contact the franchise owner.

But she says the owner didn't return her calls. She disputed the charge with her credit card company but they needed proof the gas went in her Prius instead of another car.

"It's the only car I've got and you know, I'm not lying and I'm not trying to cheat anybody," says Laura.

We know each county has a Weights and Measures Department which checks gas pumps to make sure the pumps are accurate.

We've obtained these records for the most recent inspection of this station after Laura says she was overcharged. The report shows all 30 meters are "within acceptable tolerance" and their "tests did not indicate a problem."

"That sure got my attention, " says Laura, pointing to her receipt.

But Laura says this receipt is proof, she was overcharged! She says the station owner finally agreed to meet with her but stood her up.

"It's just wrong. I was a good customer," says Laura.

So we called the owner. Kris Goyal says in his 32 years of business, he's never seen anything like this.

He couldn't explain why he didn't show up to their scheduled meeting, but says he thought his manager took care of the issue.

After we got involved, the owner refunded the $27.33 Laura says she was overcharged.

"Thank you. I'm not coming back," says Laura.

Before you pump gas, make sure it's zeroed out. The counties do surprise inspections so stations don't know they're coming and say pumps only fail about 4% of the time.

If something is off at your pump, let Weights and Measures in your county know.

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