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Check Out These Other Amazing 'Finds'

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — On Thursday, CBS13 brought you the story of Jill James, who found $14,000 in cash blowing down the road in Auburn. James turned the money over to police, who quickly reunited it with its owner.

And check these out!

Swipe on the images below to see some of the other amazing 'finds' we tracked down.

Amazing Finds
Amazing Finds
Amazing Finds
Amazing Finds
Amazing Finds

Gabriel Ruiz and Gabriela Jauregui opened the diaper bag to find $5,000 inside. Click here to read more.

Works by an obscure Armenian-American abstract impressionist discovered in a garage have been appraised at $30 million. Click here to read more.

Another engagement ring has been retrieved from the sewers of New York City. Click here to read more.

A piece of Pittsburgh art history, which had been lost for decades, has now been found. Click here to read more.

A teenager who discovered a purse with $10,000 in cash while walking home from school returned all the money to its rightful owner. Click here to read more.


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