Changing the way you look at phones after getting tech neck
Chances are you've heard of "tech neck" - the aches and pains we get from looking down at our phone so much.
Just how much added weight, i.e. pressure, do we really put on our neck as we look at our phones for a good part of our day?
As we do it so much throughout our day, we're slouching, hurting, and aching.
This results in our posture being a problem.
There's a reason doctors have seen a sharp rise in patients coming in with neck pain.
According to spinal specialist Dr. Ken Hasrajh, who worked with engineers to determine a weight value for putting long-term stress on a person's neck, the human head weighs 10 to 12 pounds in a neutral position. However, his results show that when the head is tipped just 15 degrees, pressure jumps to 27 pounds.
When the head is tipped 60 degrees, which is common for most people when they text, the weight on the next goes up to 60 pounds.
He said, "My message is keep your head up. Always be cognizant of where your head is in space."
There are a couple of exercises to ease tech neck, including rolling your shoulders front and back, doing chin tucks by looking down and then all the way up, and doing some neck releases by looking all the way to the left, then center, then right.