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Good Samaritan Happy To Be Hero For A Day

FAIRFIELD (CBS13) -- Rory Lyons was trying to get to work a little early Monday morning, but instead he wound up saving a man's life.

Lyons was making his way along Interstate 80 about 6 a.m. when caught glimpse of red flames.

"Basically it was instinct, instinct took over at that point," he told CBS13's Derek Shore. "I noticed that there was nobody around … and something clicked and said let me pull over and see if everything's alright."

Everything was not OK. A Toyota Prius had been involved in a one-car crash and flames were leaping off the hood.

"I saw the gentleman slouched over and I noticed that the dash was pushed into his legs," Lyons said

The driver, 52-year-old Joseph Culley, was alone and unconscious with the flames getting more intense.

"The car was burning at an incredible rate," Lyons said. "I knew he needed help, all I could do was just get him out, I knew I needed to get him out of the car. The only thing I was thinking of was the seatbelt. Get him out of the car, drag him out the car before it explodes.

Lyons ended up dragging Culley about 20 yards down the interstate just before his car was swallowed by flames.

"There was an explosion," Lyons said. "All the windows blew out and the inside of the car was just engulfed with flames."

Culley's son, Jackson, released a statement from the family.

"We, as a family, would like to thank Rory Lyons. His actions were incredibly brave. We hope Joseph will soon have the opportunity to thank him in person."

Lyons took a liking to his new title.

"I'm glad that I was able to save somebody's life," Lyons said. "I'm the hero today."

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