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Call Kurtis: Where's My Mail? Businessman Says He's Received Just Two Pieces of Mail in Three Months

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — He's received just two pieces of mail in nearly three months.  Robert Carey, a traveling businessman called Kurtis when he says his temporary change of address wasn't working.

Carey is from Southern California, but living in Sacramento for a few months on a job assignment.  He says he's used the Post Office's temporary change of address function a number of times before and never had problems, until now.

Working for a tow truck manufacturer with three locations, Carey doesn't spend much time at his southern California home.

"What happens is, I will travel from store to store reengineering the stores," said Carey.

Back in February, when he got the Sacramento assignment, he filled out a temporary change of address form online at the USPS website, hoping to get mail at his hotel.

"I never got any mail over at the hotel, so I said, 'Okay, no big deal, it's probably just delayed.'  And then I just started not getting any mail at all," said Carey.

After a month, he changed the forwarding address to his Sacramento work address, but says in the three months he's been here, only two pieces of mail have reached him.

He says the Post Office in his home town of Yorba Linda was finally forced to find, gather and package a shipment of his mail up to Sacramento.

"Processed, processed but sent back with no reason on it," said Carey while looking at a letter included in the shipment of mail with USPS markings on it.

Meantime, he says three medications have been lost in transit and he's scrambled to get a couple bills paid.

"I just want my mail!!! please!"

"That happens when somebody puts in a change of address and puts in a couple of them and they're just going back and forth, back and forth," said USPS Spokesman Ralph Petty.

Petty says for some reason, Carey's mail was looping between Northern and Southern California.  He says some of the confusion may have happened after Carey filled out a second change of address.

"The carrier down in his old address is alerted.  They're watching the mail. The postmaster down there is on top of this, Okay, as we are here in Sacramento. So we're ensuring the mail gets delivered," said Petty.

Carey is now hoping the forward works for his last couple months here.  He's got a new plan for his next out of town assignment.

"I think what I'm going to do is just have them hold it and then I'm just going to pay him to throw it in a box and ship it to me," said Carey.

He says he has received more mail since we contacted the Post Office.  The USPS tells us when you do a change of address, they don't forward third class or standard mail.  You might call that junk mail.  So, you'll likely see a drop off in the amount of things you're getting.

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