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Call Kurtis: Frontier Refund Check Isn't In The Mail

An Elk Grove mom cancelled her Internet and phone service last May and was supposed to get a refund. When it didn't come after almost eight months, it was time to call Kurtis.

She kept getting statements from Frontier Communications month after month, saying she had a credit.

But her refund never came. But once we got involved, we saw the general manager of a major company do something you don't expect every day.

Gloria Zamora cancelled her Frontier service after she moved into this apartment and had connection problems.

"My connection kept stopping and I was having problems getting on the Internet," says Gloria.

In May, she cancelled mid-month and had a credit of $81.58.

"They said you would get a check in one to two billing cycles," says Gloria.

But for almost eight months, Gloria kept getting statements with the credit but the refund check never came.

Jeanne Pritchett-Melendez of Elk Grove in 2010 complained to us she didn't get her Frontier refund after three months.

"It's in the mail, it's in the mail, that famous line," says Jeanne.

So why aren't they sending out these refund checks?

Jim Cline, the general manager of Frontier Communications Central California, wouldn't discuss these individual cases but admits with 70,000 customers locally, mistakes happen.

"Ultimately at the end of the day, the buck stops here. I'm responsible for the satisfaction of the customer," says Cline.

But get this, he says if customer service isn't fixing the problem, call him up directly.

"My information is on the inside cover of every phone book that's delivered to a customer in Elk Grove and the surrounding area," says Cline.

After we got involved, Jeanne got her refund check, and Frontier told Gloria she would get her check within two to three weeks.

"It'd be great. I can buy things for my kids," says Gloria.

Cline gave us his direct line: (916) 686-3112. He says if you can't get results with customer service or Frontier's escalation team, give him a call.

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