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Call Kurtis: Rebate Checks In The Mail?

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) --  Californians are struggling to get their rebates from the Cash for Appliances program.  Call Kurtis has uncovered hiccups with the program.  The program financed by stimulus money was meant to help people retire their old energy-guzzling appliances for more efficient ones.     People did and say they sent in all the paperwork required.  So where are their rebates? 

The Graham's of Elk Grove have been waiting five months for their Cash for Appliances rebate tied to their refrigerator.

"It's been horrible communication, horrible customer service, zero results," says Teri Graham.

They sent in the five pieces of paperwork required and still don't have their $200 dollar check.

"We've done everything that you've asked us from the get go then why haven't we received our rebate?" asks Stephen Graham.

Mary Ann Stoermer and Marty Michaels have each waited even longer.

"They sent me back a response saying there was an irregularity in my rebate application, but they didn't tell me what the irregularity was," says Stoermer.

The California Energy Commission which runs the $35 million cash for appliances program acknowledges the company contracted to handle the rebate program has made mistakes. 

"We're going through each and every record that was not paid to ensure accuracy & processing by our rebate processor," says Amy Morgan of the California Energy Commission.

The state is now using its own resources to double-check 100,000 applications that have not been approved.

"I'm sorry, if they're going to do a program, they should have it set up so it's ready to go," says Stoermer.

 In Stoermer's case, the state's double-check found she wasn't approved because her signature was on the application but it was filled out using her husband's name.

"Shoot, we've been married for 50 years.  It all goes in the same pot and comes out of the same pot," says Stoermer.

Michaels' hold-up was because his wife's name was on the required utility bill he sent in, instead of his own.

"We went back and verified that the ID document does match and the last name and address do match," says Morgan.

And the Grahams?  The state did have all their paperwork, but the rebate processing company didn't scan it all in.

All of these viewers are now approved with checks headed their way.  In fact, after months of persistence the Graham's got their $200 check the day we interviewed them.

"You have to keep at it because it's yours.  It's what owed to you," says Teri Graham.

The cash for appliances program is not taking any new applications except for HVAC and water heaters.  The state does expect to pay out the remaining $4 million in the fund.

As for the mistakes with the rebate processing company; how much time and resources is it taking to double check those applications?  That is something our "On the Money" unit is now investigating.

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