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Call Kurtis Investigates: Suspended Limo Company Willing To Take Our Business

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Call Kurtis exposed a Sacramento limo driver, caught driving passengers without a license.

We call on Kurtis Ming with how the state is now taking action against this company.

The Public Utilities Commission has suspended Starlite Limo's license.

So we wanted to see what would happen if we tried to hire them today.

Posing as a customer, I called up Starlite Limo to see if they're available this weekend.

"So you have a 30 and a 23?" I asked the company.

Even though we've just learned the state suspended the company's license last month.

More on the call in a minute.

This is the same Starlite Limo whose driver Jarrett Chamizo was arrested in November after police in Napa caught him failing to stop at a railroad crossing, while carrying ten passengers.

officer: "What's the deal with your license?"

Chamizo: "It's... Honestly, it's suspended."

After admitting he didn't have a valid driver's license, he then confessed this.

officer: "There might be a warrant out for your arrest so be prepared for that   also too."

Chamizo: "There is."

Officer: "There is a warrant?

Chamizo: "Yeah."

Officer: "Okay, what's it for?"

Chamizo: "It's a traffic ticket."

We launched our investigation into Starlite Limo in May after these Woodcreek High School students said Chamizo refused to refund their $250 deposit.

They say days before prom, he told them not everyone would fit in the bus.

"How dare you take this kind of money away from children?" asked Cindy Perez, one of the student's mother.

After our investigation, the Public Utilities Commission suspended Starlite Limo's license last month, confirming the company is under investigation.

"We are performing an audit of the company and several violations have been found."

-- Andrew Kotch, spokesperson

"From Sacramento to Napa wine country," I tell the company during my phone call.

With Starlite Limo's web site still up, I called them last week to price a Napa trip for this upcoming weekend.

The person answering the phone quoted a price more than willing to take my business, even though the state lists Starlite Limo's license as suspended.

Calling again and identifying ourselves we spoke with manager Brian who said they're "under new management..."

When we asked about their suspended license, he told us "it's none of your business."

Denying trying to rent me a limo, saying "your story is wrong."

He insisted they're "not operating" and eventually hung up on us.

After we got involved in the case of the high school students, they got their refund.

The Napa passengers Chamizo was driving the day of his November arrest had to get out and find a new ride.

officer: "Okay situation is the driver is going to jail, he has some warrants and he was driving unlicensed."

Passenger: "Oh my god."

The PUC says it suspended Starlite Limo for not having workers comp insurance on file.

If the CHP catches this company operating while suspended, officers can impound the limo for 30 days.

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