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Call Kurtis Investigates: Limo Company's Past Violations

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Coastal Breeze Limousine has been cited on 368 counts for breaking more than a dozen state laws and rules over the past two years, according to state records. The company has paid $8,000 in fines for among other things, getting caught doing exactly what we caught them doing -- operating on a suspended permit.

In our investigation, we had no problem renting a limo from Coastal Breeze Limo on January 27th, even though the state suspended the company on January 16th for not paying required fees.

State records show the Public Utilities Commission fined them $5,000 last year for breaking seven state laws and rules, including "operating after the suspension of its permit" and having "drivers who do not possess the proper California driver's license". Coastal Breeze was fined $3,000 in 2010 for violating ten state laws and rules, including "engaging seven drivers who do not possess the proper California Driver's license" and for not have the "minimal level…of insurance coverage".

After we started investigating, The P.U.C. says the company caught up on late fees. Their permit to operate became active once again this week. The state is aware of the fact the company operated without a permit again. Under state law, the P.U.C. has the power to charge the company criminally which could carry up to 3 months in jail.

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