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Call Kurtis: Camera Returned, No Refund

He returned the camera six months ago but he has yet to see his $500 refund.  The company admits they owe him the money, so why is it taking so long?

Charlie Vu doesn't want to miss a thing when it comes to his baby girl, Lauren.  Soon after she was born, he began looking for a high-quality camera to capture all of her adorable moments.

"We wanted to invest in something we would use for a long time," says Vu.

He paid $500 for a Nikon on  But Vu says the camera arrived broken.

"Nothing works," says Vu, "On the screen it said some sort of error."

The camera was sent back to Daily Deal Digital and Vu said he called often to check on the status of his refund.

"'Should come back in two weeks,'" He recalls them telling him.

So he called again

"'Give it another two weeks or a month'" he says he was told.

And on his most recent call, "'We're hoping that within two to four months.'  And I'm like, 'wow!  Are you kidding me?'"

After countless calls, Vu says he's given the same excuse every time; there's a problem with Daily Deal Digital's account.   Vu says he was told money isn't going in or coming out, so they told him to wait.

"If they're system is closed or suspended or whatever, have a plan B or something," says Vu.

So we called Daily Deal Digital and asked why haven't they refunded Vu's money yet?  A sales manager tells us they had problems with the company that processes the payments. The sales manager told us Vu should challenge the charge with his credit card company.

"I just want my refund back," says Vu.

So he called Visa, and in a matter of days, they credited his account.  Vu has since bought a camera from another website and says he learned his lesson about buying from unfamiliar sites.

"Apparently I didn't do enough research."

Before doing business with an online site do an online search for reviews to see what people are saying.  You can also check with the Better Business Bureau.  Daily Deal Digital has an F-rating with the BBB.

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