C.K. McClatchy High principal: students targeted by attackers in ski masks off of campus
SACRAMENTO - Parents at C.K. McClatchy High School received a concerning email Friday, warning of recent after-school attacks on students.
Male suspects have been seen wearing ski masks before confronting students walking home. Now the school is asking kids to exercise caution. CBS13 got answers on the suspects' patterns and concerns from the school's community.
During school hours, C.K. McClatchy High School students are on campus in class but what about after the bell rings? That's when these alleged attacks are taking place – in the after-school hours off of campus property. Sacramento police are investigating the incidents but parents are demanding additional action.
"Students in daylight hours right after school are getting mugged?" said Kristina Rogers, a McClatchy parent.
The school's principal sent out an email to families Friday, warning kids between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. of the off-campus attacks.
"They're obviously desperate because they're going after children," Rogers said.
"McClatchy does a really good job of trying to keep students safe on campus, and we're appreciative of that," said Rogers, who's now concerned about her daughter's safety.
But what about off-campus?
"There are a lot of activities that happen after school. We have theater sports…sometimes both parents work," said Rogers. "And the kids either take the light rail or walk home."
Rogers claims the area lacks security.
"We used to have SROs but the district decided they didn't want them anymore," she said.
Local businesses are also concerned for students' well-being.
Robert Do, Boba 4 U
"That's crazy, I feel like I babysit these kids after school," said Robert Do, owner of Boba 4 U. "What can I do to give them a safe place to go."
Do says police are active in the community and recently asked to look at his surveillance video but didn't clarify why. Now he hopes police have identified the suspects involved.
"Last week, they came to come look at some of our security cameras," said Do. "Whatever I can do to help -- I want the parents to feel the kids are safe."
We did reach out to the Sacramento Police Department for more information regarding the suspect identification surveillance video or if any students were seriously hurt. We did not hear back.
We also reached out to city officials and the district to ask about police presence on and off campus.