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Buy It & Try It: The Euro Sealer

You know that stuff that goes bad, because you didn't seal it up air tight. The Euro Sealer is supposed to fix that. We see if it works.

You know Lisa Gonzalez as the morning and noon anchor of CBS13 news, but at home, Lisa Gonzales is the wife to Carlos, and mom to 7-month-old Ashley. The cute bright eyed baby takes up most of Lisa and Carlos' time.

How hectic is it?

"Can't even put it into words," said Carlos.

"It's extremely hectic. Very busy. You don't have a lot of time so when you go grocery shopping, you want to make sure your food lasts, that's sure," said Lisa.

They keep food fresh by using Ziplock bags. No for them anymore if the Euro Sealer works. It claims it'll seal any bag in seconds. The secret: A wire that heats up, and melts the bag together.

"Sounds like a good concept to me because I feel like I waste a lot of Ziplock and plastic bags trying to keep stuff fresh," said Lisa.

First, we learned a bit of a secret about Lisa.

"I'm someone who buys stuff off TV," said Lisa.

She has bought many things, including the pasta express and a chopping contraption. But, like most things she's bought from TV, they didn't work. Maybe we can turn this streak around with the Euro Sealer.

After installing two double a batteries, Lisa first tries my Euro Sealer on a bag of lettuce.

"It didn't seal right here, so I guess I have to do it again," said Lisa.

On the second attempt, she had the same problem.

"It missed a spot again," said Lisa.

It's not sealed air tight as promised. Maybe better luck on a bag of chips.

"There's a hole right there," said Lisa.

Nope, It didn't seal, instead it burned a hole in the bag.

"I'm not impressed," said Lisa.

Then Carlos tried it out on some cookies, but it didn't seal them up either.

What about the special razor blade attachment that you just pop out, and cut?

"That worked good," said Carlos.

On the final test the Euro Sealer's packaging claims It's strong enough to seal a bag full of water. I tried it two different times, but it burned a hole in the plastic, and there was a leak.

Lisa and Carlos don't think they'll have a need for this gadget.

It didn't exactly seal the things we tried to seal so I would probably use a clip on a plastic bag," said Lisa.

And, as always, they'll keep their focus on Ashley and trying to get her to eat her green beans-- something she doesn't like much.

We paid $7.99 for it at Linens and Things.

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