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Buy It And Try It: Peticure Petite

It's called the Peticure Petite, and it's supposed to be the painless
and easy way to care for your pet's nails. Let's see if it works.

If you come to Doctor Jyl's vet office, you'll find pets of all kinds
everywhere, from pigs to parrots, tortoises to llamas and bunnies.

Her passion for pets drove her to start a non-profit organization, and
caring for rescued animals requires a lot of care and grooming.

And they don't like their nails trimmed.

The infomercial claims the peticure's gentle filing is painless.

I handed Dr. Jyl the Petite version, which is good on pets weighing
less than 15 pounds. She likes the concept but is concerned about the

"It may have a scare factor to it," she says.

We're first going to try it on Daisy the dog. The directions say you
have to get your pet comfortable with the product, which means bribing
them with treats while the vibrating noise of the Peticure drones on.

Once your pet is comfortable, you can start trimming. At first Daisy
does okay, but she gets squeamish during the grinding.

She gets more comfortable with time.

Dr. Jyl checks out the dog's nails, which are now rounded and no
longer sharp, but she's disappointed with how little they were

"It's taken the tips off, but it hasn't really cut them as short as
when we trim them," she says.

Now, it's time to try it on a cat. Here's Bruno, who definitely
doesn't like his nails cut with nail clippers. How does he do with the

"Oh, pretty good actually," Dr. Jyl says.

The nails are rounded, but they weren't trimmed very fair.

In the end, Dr. Jyl is intrigued. She makes it clear the animals she
tested the Peticure on are used to being handled, but she doesn't
think it's as easy as it looks in the infomercial, especially for
squeamish pets.

"It's just going to take some time, that's all."

I paid $29.99 plus shipping and handling and I bought it at

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