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Buy It And Try It: Go Duster

Well, it claims it reaches dust in every nook and cranny, so let's see
if it works.

The third graders in Miss Tseng's class at Glenwood Elementary say
that when they get home, they've got chores.

"I have to dust my mommy's room," says one.

Why don't you like dusting? "Because your arms get tired," says another.

"It's not, like, very fun."

So I give them my motorized Go Duster, which claims it will change
that. It says it makes dusting fast, easy and fun.

Let's try it. We take it out of the box, and it seems that the Go
Duster comes with dust. It ends up on Miss Tseng's skirt.

After putting in four AA batteries, we send Ashley on a dust hunt.
Then we spray on the special solution. You just press the button on
the Go Duster, and it spins.

"Oh my God, whoa," she says.

Just like that, the dust is gone.

"It's really fast and really fun," she says.

Unique finds some dust on a storage container. She likes the duster.
"It makes dusting easier, and you don't have to move your arm a lot."

We give Bobby the small attachment, which is supposed to work on
keyboards and dusty blinds.

Is there any dust left? "No," he says. Did it clean it all? "I think so."

Each kid gives it a try. But what about those nooks and crannies? We
find some dust in the slats of a crate, so we slide in the Go Duster.

It comes off.

In the end, what do our third graders want you to know?

"I would tell them that it worked."

"It cleans, like, very good."

"It cleans very well."

I paid $19.95 plus shipping and handling and bought it online.

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