Customers describe moment bullet flew through San Joaquin County steakhouse
WOODBRIDGE – The search is on for a shooter after a bullet was fired into the Woodbridge Inn Steakhouse on Saturday night.
A bullet hole in a painting that was hanging on the wall revealed the aftermath of the scary scene.
"I immediately grabbed her and threw her to the floor and covered her and told her to stay down," said Kenny Buchmiller, who was finishing up his date night with his wife Mandy when the bullet whizzed through the dining room.
"I'd say we were probably six feet away from where the bullet traveled, but there were some people directly in the line, just below," said Kenny. "Fortunately, the bullet went high."
Owner Craig Quijada showed CBS13 the decorative tape now covering the bullet hole in the side window of his restaurant.
"The shots came from over the lake, across the lake, through the tree," Quijada said. "Directly from the homeless encampment on the other side of the lake."
The San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office said Lodi police did a drone flyover of the river area believing that is where the shot came from, but investigators could not confirm if it was fired from a homeless camp or if there is one in the area.
"We kind of army crawled from where we were sitting into the bar area," Kenny said. "There was a couple that was sitting right below the wall where the bullet lodged in and the glass had broken and went all over her."
He said they were one of three couples still dining inside the restaurant when it happened. They said they heard about four or five gunshots, but only one went through the window.
"It makes me really scared for the people who were right next to it," Mandy said.
The San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office is still searching for the shooting suspect.