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Toddler Dubbed 'Tiny Hawk' Goes Viral For Skateboarding Skills

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A local toddler has become quite the sensation on the skateboard. He picked up the hobby during quarantine and the rest is history.

Brody Alexzandr is just two years old. He might just be the littlest guy you've seen shredding at the skate park.

"Whoosh. He calls it whoosh. All day, every day, 'Mama I go whoosh," mom Alexzandria Hopkins said.

An unexpected quarantine hobby for this family developed after dad Shayne Dillynger lost his job in the food industry. The hard times during the pandemic led to extra time to find a silver lining.

"Being by his side watching his progression is just absolutely amazing," Dillynger said.

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And the progression has been quick. Brody's parents say it's been a "little intense" and "nervewracking." He spends at least five hours a day on his skateboard every day.

"You'd think he would be bouncing off the walls. We were keeping our safe distance and doing this," Dillynger said.

Who knew this fearless toddler underneath the helmet and all the pads would become his own brand so quickly.


"Tiny Hawk, born out of quarantine really," Dillynger said.

A name was given to him by his social media following.

"He was a hit right away," Hopkins said.

"What an amazing tale, over the past four months we've created a TikTok that's gone viral," Dillynger said.

Hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of likes from strangers all over the world, and so much love from mom and dad.

"[I'm] so proud, I can't believe all this is happening, so proud of my son," Dillynger said.

Tiny Hawk is just getting started and the timing couldn't be better.

"The world has to smile through these uncertain times. There is positive things to look forward to and we have hope," SAID.

The next stop for Tiny Hawk is Tahoe. Mom and Dad say they can't wait to get him on a snowboard this winter.

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