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Boy Walks Away From School Without Being Noticed

ELK GROVE (CBS13) -- An eight-year-old student walked away from school unnoticed and ended up the back seat of a police cruiser a mile and a half away, authorities said.

Morgan Pauley said he hoped to run to his grandmother's house when he left Florin Elementary during lunch after a group of kids physically attacked him.

"They were throwing rocks at me and they were punching me and kicking me and pushing me," Morgan said.

Morgan's grandmother, Norma Pauley, said officials told her no students, staff or faculty spotted the boy walking off campus, but once they noticed him missing, they called police and began carefully searching the campus.

Morgan ended up a mile and a half away from campus, near the intersection of Gerber Road and Wilbur Way. When he asked a nearby business for some water, the employees notified authorities. A deputy picked up the boy and returned him to his family.

The Elk Grove Unified School said they planned to suspend Morgan for two days, but lifted the punishment on Thursday.

Norma said she has a meeting with school officials Friday about the bullying against her son.

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