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'Beware Of Stoner' Signs Draw Laughs In El Dorado County

EL DORADO HILLS (CBS13) -- The black and yellow crosswalk signs appear normal enough at a glance, but a closer look reveals an unusual warning for a very specific type of pedestrian near the American River access close to the Salmon Falls Bridge.

El Dorado County officials said they hadn't heard of the strange signs along Salmon Falls Road before Thursday and were not responsible for the signs that warn drivers to remain alert for bong-carrying pedestrians.

Several crosswalk signs along Salmon Falls Road heading to Pilot Hill have been altered to add a bong silhouette to the pedestrian's hand, and although some residents say they first spotted the alterations more than a year ago, county officials haven't received a single complaint.

The alterations may look convincing enough to escape notice for most motorists -- although the unusual sight has drawn attention on YouTube -- but local residents say there may be some truth behind the joke warning.

"It's right where the boaters get out of the river, it's kind of the scene," said Brad, a cyclist who passes by the area frequently.

El Dorado County officials plan to issue a work order to have the signs cleaned up Friday.

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