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Best of Sacramento Yarn Shops

Knit one, pearl two. Knit one, pearl two.  Knitting has reached almost a cult status in the United States in recent years. Hollywood stars and designers picking up needles and fueling the knitting rage.   If your new to the craft or have been knitting, crocheting or weaving for years, here are a few places to find yarn to make your creations.

Babetta's Yarn And Gifts

4400 San Juan Ave.

Babetta opened her yarn store in 2005 and has a dedicated following of crafters who cherish the friendly service!  Babetta's carries yarn from more than 30 suppliers and if they don't have what you need, they'll special order it for you.  Customers who have reviewed Babetta's love the coffee bar and the fact that they will ball purchased skein of yarn for free!

Fig Tree Alley Fiber Arts

2419 J St.

Fig Tree Alley is fairly new to the Sacramento 'fiber arts' scene (it opened in Dec. 2009) but is already gaining a following.  They have a wide variety of yarns and threads, from wool to cotton and thin to chunky.  They also have classes including machine weaving.


1021 R St.

Rumpelstiltskin has been in the same Sacramento location for 30 years.  Every nook and cranny in the shop is stuffed with yarns of every color, thickness and fiber.  The shop offers classes from beginning knitting, weaving and crocheting to how to make specific items like socks.

Anna's Yarn Shoppe

8238 Laguna Blvd.
Elk Grove

Anna's Yarn Shoppe (TheYarn Shoppe) has lots of luxurious yarns and also offers classes.  The store is described as sunny and friendly.  Yarns are organized by color not brand and some knitters have complained about that.

Filati Fine Yarn

4810 Granite Dr.

It may be a little drive out of Sacramento, but many serious crafters say Filati's has the best selection of yarn, wool and natural fibers around.  The store stocks more than 40 brands of European and domestic yarn in 3600 square feet of space.  The store not only offers classes but can repair and block knitwear.

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