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Here's how experts are trying to solve a beaver problem in El Dorado County

Wildlife officials are trying to solve a beaver problem in El Dorado County
Wildlife officials are trying to solve a beaver problem in El Dorado County 01:52

CAMERON PARK — Beavers are causing problems at a lake in El Dorado County, and now officials are considering ways to handle it. One solution that was presented was to euthanize the beavers.

Cindy Howlett and Diane Pratt walk Cameron Lake every week. They've had their eye on a beaver lodge that officials say is eating away at an earthen dam on the lake.

The Cameron Park Community Services District said they contacted the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and were told the state was prohibited from relocating the beavers.

As a result, they say their only option was to contact the state's beaver restoration program to ask for a depredation permit that would allow the beavers to be euthanized.

"We don't want that," Pratt said. "I don't think anyone in Cameron Park would want that."

We were notified when that permit to euthanize was granted, and after multiple calls to the state, wildlife officials came up with another plan of action. Fish and Wildlife said in a statement:

"Given that there are no feasible non-lethal measures to deter beaver burrowing, CDFW and the Cameron Park Community Services District are now working together to evaluate whether live-trapping for relocation can be safely and effectively implemented ..."

A site visit was planned for late last week to determine whether relocation is viable.

The conservation district and residents are elated that Mother Nature and mankind could work in unison.

Alan Gardner, the general manager of Cameron Park Community Services District, said in a statement:

"Your call to Fish and Wildlife resulted in a reversal of their position. It's clear Fish and Wildlife didn't want the blame. They agreed to relocation after your call."

If you have an issue like this, contact Fish and Wildlife and file a beaver report through the proper channels.

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