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Audio: The Don Geronimo Show - July 27, 2011

Don got the lawn jarts he was asking for yesterday, so he announces that we'll be outside later to throw them at Craig. He also announces that it is Craig's birthday, and instead of the exotic female dancers he got for the guys on the show that he likes, he opts for a male dancer for Craig, preferably a listener.

Kevin the dog kisser calls up, and Don has him come to the station. The garbage morning show on the station across the street from us is angry at Don because apparently his loyal listeners have been calling up their show and dropping his name on the air. Don encourages the listeners to continue with the torment. After hearing about Little Joe's fight with the neighbors last night, Dave tells the "Talk me down" story, involving Little Joe and some "kryptonite." Don then throws in his "mushroom experience." Don then calls in Craig and Kevin so Kevin can dance for Craig's birthday.

Don also makes Craig wear the Chargers helmet for protection. Don then calls a loyal listener who want Don to appear at her boyfriend's birthday party, and tells us how much it's going to cost her. The guys talk a little NFL, and then go outside to throw lawn jarts at Craig, who is once again wearing the Chargers helmet. Don then plays clips of Seinfeld in spanish, german, and a few other languages, tells us about the football game he passed up to see Mary Poppins, the Casey Anthony mask on ebay, and Donald Trump's comments on Obama, before wrapping it up with a caller 100!

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