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After Sony Pictures Relents, Folsom Palladio 16 Will Show 'The Interview'

FOLSOM (CBS13) — After a hack of Sony Pictures and a back-and-forth debate whether to screen the movie, "The Interview" will be shown in at least one local theater.

The movie features Seth Rogen and James Franco as journalists who end up tied with a CIA plot to assassinate the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un.

That plot point is believed to have prompted a massive attack on Sony Pictures' systems, leading to many sensitive files and movies being swiped from the servers, as well as employees' personal information.

The attack before Thanksgiving lingered through most of December, with activists from the Guardians of Peace releasing emails and data from Sony Pictures' systems.

On Dec. 17, the company allowed movie chains to decline screening the movie after a vague threat from GOP involving an attack on theaters. Federal agencies reported at the time there was no proof of credible threats. Later that day, when five of the largest movie chains in the nation declined to show it, Sony pulled the release entirely.

Some smaller theaters tried to counter the removal of "The Interview" by planning screenings of 2004's, "Team America: World Police." That move was countered by the movie's distributor, Paramount Pictures, which quashed the idea.

But on Tuesday, Sony relented, allowing smaller movie theaters who want to show the movie to do so. Larger chains who opted not to carry it previously have so far declined to show it.

Folsom's Palladio 16 will be one of the only places to see "The Interview" in the Sacramento area, and manager Nate Alchesky says they are proud to show it.

"We're not here to judge the movies," he said. "We just want to play what people want us to play, and we'll let them decide whether its a good movie or a bad movie."

The theater plans to have extra staff on hand, as well as a security guard to help ease any fears moviegoers may have.

There are also plans to offer the movie through Video On Demand services on Christmas, though no distributor or TV provider has disclosed plans or pricing.

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