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How To Avoid 'Mega' Problems In Your Office Lottery Pool

SACRAMENTO(CBS13) – With tomorrow's Mega Millions jackpot at a world record $540 million dollars, lots of people are getting in on the action.

The odds are 176,000,000 to one that a person will win the largest lottery payoff in history.

So to slightly increase their chances of winning, many people are joining office pools or other groups.

But there can be perils involved with group play.  According to CBS This Morning, aConnecticutwoman is suing her sister for keeping all the lottery loot. And a man inNew Jerseywas found guilty of trying to cheat five co-workers out of $38.5 million.

To help avoid issues with your group lottery pool, legal experts have a few tips.

  1. Appoint one person to as a group leader
  2. Have a written list of who is in the pool and mark if they have paid
  3. Make photo copies of all the tickets and give each member a copy

While a written contract is not needed, it can help.  It can be as simple as putting down the names of the people and having everyone sign it.

The California Lottery website even has a sample Group Play Model Agreement that people can downloaded after logging into the site.

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