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6 Charged In South Sacramento Barbershop Shooting

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The Sacramento County D.A.'s office has filed charges against six men believed to be connected to the deadly south Sacramento barbershop shooting in December that killed two people including an innocent bystander and a relative of one of the suspects.

Lonnie Mitchell was arrested in southern California in January for his alleged involvement in the shooting at Fly Cuts & Styles Barber Shop.

In the indictment issued today, prosecutors filed murder charges against Lonnie, his brother Louis Mitchell, Charles Barksdale, Dominique Lott, James Carney and Larry Jones, who has not yet been taken into custody.

 Charles Barksdale is the cousin of one of the people who died as a result of the shooting, 20-year-old Marvion Barksdale.

 Monique Nelson, 30, was also killed.  She had just strapped her child into his carseat and attempted to shield him when the shooting broke out.  She was shot in the chest.

Five others were also hurt in the shootout but survived their injuries.

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