Sports UFC Fighter Talks To Hopewell HS Students May 17, 2011 / 8:01 PM EDT / CBS News (Credit: KDKA) Assistant Principal Doug Rowe Talks To Hopewell students (Credit:KDKA) Hopewell High School Students (Credit: KDKA) Anthony "Rumble" Johnson Talks With Students About Preventing Bullying Anthony "Rumble" Johnson Discusses Working Out And Anti-Bullying. (Credit: KDKA) Anthony "Rumble" Johnson Addresses Hopewell Students (Credit: KDKA) Anthony "Rumble" Johnson On His Profession (Credit: KDKA) Anthony "Rumble" Johnson With Students (Credit: KDKA) Trainer Sergio Babu And Anthony "Rumble" Johnson Prepare For Demonstration (Credit: KDKA) Anthony "Rumble" Johnson and Sergio Babu Enter Gym For Sparing (Credit: KDKA) Sergio Babu and Anthony "Rumble" Johnson About To Spar Students Ready For Sparing (Credit: KDKA) The Sparing Begins (Credit:KDKA) Anthony "Rumble" Johnson Spars Trainer (Credit: KDKA)