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Thousands Pack Downtown Streets For Women's March On Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Thousands packed the streets downtown Saturday for the Women's March on Pittsburgh.

A rally was held at the City County Building on Grant Street around 11 a.m.

It is estimated around 25,000 people were in attendance.

Mayor Bill Peduto joined the march, tweeting he was "proud to march with my sisters."

Some marchers wore shirts that said "Nasty Woman." Many brought handmade signs expressing their concerns -- some read "LGBTQIA RIGHTS = HUMAN RIGHTS," "Science is NOT a liberal conspiracy," "My body, my choice" and "Only great without hate."

Women in attendance voiced concerns about a variety of issues.

"We need to make our own decisions about our own bodies," Cari McDonald said.

"To work for a corporation or run a corporation you should be paid the same as any man," Melinda Reich said.

Men also participated in the march.

"We stand with women in solidarity. You don't have to be a woman to believe in women's rights," Dan Hackett said. "It's my hope that Donald Trump does not roll back a lot of the progress we have made over the past 8 years."

At the end of the rally, the crowd will march along Grant Street, Fifth Avenue and McMasters Way before heading into Market Square.

Another group of several hundred gathered in East Liberty for a similar march.

The local effort is part of the Women's Marches taking place all over the country, and even in international cities. The event started with the Women's March on Washington, taking place in Washington D.C. on Tuesday morning.

The marches are part of a grassroots effort to send a message to the Trump administration about women's rights.

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