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Parking Garage Under Westmoreland County Courthouse Closed For Significant Structural Problems

GREENSBURG, Pa. (KDKA) - The garage beneath the Westmoreland County Courthouse is showing signs of significant structural problems and is closed effective Wednesday morning.

A recent engineering survey prompted the county commissioners to take emergency action to dig out the underground structure and repair it immediately, a job that will cost $7 million.

"It's time to address the deterioration. They couldn't tell us if it would collapse and if it would collapse, when it would collapse," said Westmoreland County Public Works Director Greg McCloskey.

The recent study showed years of moisture and salt have compromised the parking garage's stability.

Westmoreland County says it will make up for the loss of parking spaces by leasing some 170 spaces from the city of Greensburg at their parking facilities.

"There's no better time to work on this," said Commissioner Sean Kertes.

It's going to be a major project that's literally in the middle of Greensburg.

"It's going to be a major inconvenience, but we're hoping to get this done in six months," said Commissioner Gina Cerilli Thrasher.

Al Lydic at Greensburg Newsstand said the parking lot project is OK with him as long as desperate drivers looking to park don't decide to commandeer what he's paid for.

"I depend on those two spots I rent for customers. If I have to fight people off who want to park there and run across to the courthouse, it's going to be trouble," he said.

The emergency repairs begin Wednesday.

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