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Convicted Felon Accused Of Child Abuse, Forcing 8-Year-Old To Provide Urine Sample

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GREENSBURG (KDKA) -- A man is accused of abusing three children -- all under the age of ten -- and their mother is accused of failing to stop him.

State police mince no words in describing the abuse three children – ages 4, 8 and 9 – faced at the hands of convicted felon Robert Paul Geschke inside a New Alexandria Road home.

"They are horrible crimes," Trooper Stephen Limani said.

Investigators say Geschke abused and exploited the children often.

To keep from going back to jail, he was regularly tested for drug use. Geschke, on parole, allegedly used heroin in front of the children in the home, so to beat the test, Limani says "he would have the 8-year-old provide the urine sample."

And if the children didn't comply…

"When he would go on one of his tirades, the children would be subjected to physical abuse -- choking, hitting," Limani said.

Geschke often punished the children, terrorizing them, chasing them and locking them in dark rooms.

Geschke wasn't the only adult in the home.

"The mother was present during the majority of the incidents that took place -- between the physical abuse, when it came to the striking and choking of the children," Limani said.

Investigators say the kids' mom, 31-year-old Jennifer Thompson, did nothing to help them. Geschke wasn't even allowed to be near Thompson or the kids.

"He was so worried about getting caught that he had a motion sensor set up at the house so that whenever the probation officer would come, he'd be alerted," Limani said. "That would give him time to stow the kids away in a closet or a vehicle or wherever he could hide these children."

Children and Youth Services got word and got the kids out of the home. As soon as that happened, Geschke and Thompson went on the run.

State police are asking anyone who knows of their whereabouts to contact them.

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