Police Investigate Possible Threat Against West Mifflin Schools, Question 1 Person
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WEST MIFFLIN (KDKA) -- Police have interviewed one person and removed a firearm from a home in connection with an investigation into a possible threat made on Facebook against the West Mifflin Area School District.
According to West Mifflin Police, the department received multiple tips about a possible threat to the school district on Tuesday morning.
Police say they interviewed one person and determined it "was a misuse of social media."
However, they did remove a weapon from the person's home.
Police said, "At no time was there a relevant, substantiated threat to residents, students or employees of the West Mifflin Area School District."
The investigation is continuing.
West Mifflin Police are asking anyone with information on the case to give them at call at 412-461-3125, or call your local police department.