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Tips to prevent cognitive decline

Protecting your brain from impacts of aging
Protecting your brain from impacts of aging 01:33

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - How can humans prevent cognitive decline?

Various tasks become more difficult as a person ages.

"What's good for your body is good for your brain. People think about exercise for your muscles, but your brain is just like that. You have to keep it engaged and moving," said Sarah Lenz Lock, Executive Director of the Global Council on Brain Health.

Things such as remembering names, multi-tasking, and paying attention may seem a little harder than they used to be, but there are ways to keep your brain sharp as you age.

There are six ways to protect your brain from the impacts of aging.

Getting quality sleep, managing stress, staying active, being social, and keeping your brain engaged can help stave off brain decline.

For some people, it's easier said than done, and part of it can also depend on your current living conditions.

"If you live in a community where safety is an issue, or you don't have sidewalks, it's harder to exercise. Access to places like parks and recreation helps you be social, but if you don't have those opportunities or you're economically disadvantaged, it's a lot harder for you to say let's go out and exercise if you're working two or three jobs," Lenz Lock added.

As you age, you can always add new skills to your pallet.

There is increasing evidence that the brain can adapt and change, which can allow people to take on new challenges and tasks as they age. 

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