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Talking to your kids about 'stranger danger' as they head back to school

Talking to your kids about 'stranger danger' as they head back to school
Talking to your kids about 'stranger danger' as they head back to school 01:48

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Even though school buses haven't hit the road just yet as kids prepare to go back to school, there's something parents may want to remind their kids about called 'stranger danger.'

There are a number of things to teach your kids so that they stay safe at the bus stop or walking home from school.

Doctors recommend explaining to your child that there's never a reason an adult would need a child's help finding something. 

Dr. Richard So from the Cleveland Clinic says it's a good idea to go over some scenarios.

For example, a person might say they lost their puppy and need help finding it or they may try to entice them with treats or even electroniocs.

Dr. So says to teach your kids who the 'good people' are. That includes police officers, firefighters, teachers, or someone with a badge at a store.

Another helpful tip can be to come up with a family password.

"I tell my patients to have a secret family password that only is only between your family," Dr. So saiod. "So if someone comes up to my child and says, 'Hey your mom is running behind, she's at the hospital, she was in a car accident, she told me to pick you up.' My kids are trained to say, "Hey, what's our secret family password?'""

If a child gets lost, Dr. So says it's okay to tell your kids they can ask another parent for help, because they would most likely be willing to lend a hand. 

UPMC Children's Hospital also has some tips and advise that if a person follows or grabs a child, the child should tell really loud, run away, and ask a safe adult for help. 

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