Suspicious Packages Scare Americans
PITTSBURGH (NewsRadio 1020 KDKA) - The Boston marathon bombing suspects were able to hide bombs inside book bags, striking a new change in the way the public now views bags. A new era has come in the United States, the one of suspicious packages and new fear.
"There are differences between types of packages and people, some are good and some aren't," said John Burkoff, a University of Pittsburgh Law Professor. "There's no privacy anymore in public, people are nervous just walking around next to people wearing book bags or carrying packages."
Burkoff referenced the shoe bomber whose actions caused the TSA agents to require airplane passengers to take off their shoes. He believes that the sad reality all we can do as a society is grow and learn from each of these incidents instead of making more and more rules for the public. But he encourages the public to be understanding with the searches, they're in place to help keep everyone safe.
Suspicious Package Fear
"We already have devices that can see through walls and hear thru walls, imagining that things could get more advanced it's out of the question," said Burkoff. "Camera's inside a home to monitor your family isn't a crazy idea."
According to federal law, a suspect who is an immanent threat to the well-being of the population does not need to be read their Miranda rights, even if they are a citizen of the United States. Burkoff explained further that if the officer's believed they had sufficient enough evidence to prove the criminal guilty of his crime.
"They say it's public safety but really the Supreme Court had previously decided that a dangerous suspect did not require the Miranda rights to be read," said Burkoff. "If someone is not Mirandized then any statement made is suppressed in the trial."
Carrying Bags
Mike Pintek is live weekdays noon to 3 only on NewsRadio 1020 KDKA!