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Major Changes Announced For Recycling In South Hills

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - When it comes to recycling in the South Hills, there are some big changes coming.

The biggest change is residents are no longer going to be allowed to recycle glass.

Margaret Habovick pays attention to her recycling rules.

"I don't do too many cans because I make my own soup so I don't do that too much, mostly paper and cardboard," she said.

She lives in Scott Township, which is one of 18 communities that will see changes starting on Jan. 1.

In addition to glass, residents will also not be able to recycle plastic numbered three through seven. The hauling company will keep track and report violations back to the boroughs.

If people don't get a hang of the new rules, it'll cost them.

SHACOG Executive Director Louis Gorski flipped through the hundreds of pages that outline the new rules. Glass is a no-go because it shatters and contaminates the load, meaning it winds up at the landfill anyway.

It could cost boroughs thousands of dollars if people don't pay attention to the new rules. That's why officials are encouraging residents to start practicing now.

"At least in the South Hills, you're looking at the contract documents or the bid documents over there the changes will be no glass of any sort, cardboard will still be acceptable, mixed paper will still be acceptable, plastics three through seven will not be acceptable," Gorski said.

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