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Police warn community of thieves targeting homes of the recently deceased in South Park

Thieves in the South Hills using the obituaries to plan break-ins
Thieves in the South Hills using the obituaries to plan break-ins 02:11

Police in the South Hills are issuing a warning - thieves are reading the obituaries to target homes. 

Imagine coming home to your father or mother's home after they've passed away only to find someone broke into it and stole valuables, including copper and other precious metals inside the structure. 

It sounds crazy, but still, it's happened in South Park as well as in other surrounding communities. 

"I'm feeling distraught," said Lind Avery. 

Avery lives in South Park near Brandis Avenue and Boff Street. Those are also the alleged locations of two separate break-ins in which thieves stole items including copper piping from inside. At least one of those homes is the home of a man who recently died. 

"It's despicable," Avery said. "Now, you have to be on the lookout not just for yourself but for others." 

Homes being broken into and having everything from the wires to the copper water lines being ripped out isn't new, police have said that oftentimes thieves are looking for quick money to buy drugs. Many of the homes are targeted by thieves who simply check the obituaries online or in the newspaper. 

South Park Police said their investigations are ongoing but there are some things you can do to keep your home from being a target. 

First, call the police and tell them what's happening. A lot of departments will increase patrols in the neighborhood just to send a message to any potential thieves to try somewhere else. 

As Avery said, keep your eyes out for people in and around the property of someone who has either passed away or is taking care of someone somewhere other than their home. 

Finally, if you can make it happen, have a friend or family member stay at the home in question. 

If you have any information about these break-ins or any others, the South Park Police are asking you to give them a call. 

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