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Shooting Of Latrobe Standoff Suspect Ruled Justified

LATROBE (KDKA) -- It was a standoff that ended in a deadly shootout and today officials ruled that the man holed up inside did not shoot and kill himself.

State Police fired the fatal shots that killed 46-year-old Scott Murphy and the coroner says those shots were justified.

Murphy was shot in the head once and the arm four times, killing him, during a 17-hour standoff in 2013.

"It is determined that the use of deadly force by members of the Pennsylvania State Police was legally justifiable. I'm respectfully recommending to the district attorney that no criminal charges be filed," said Westmoreland County Corner Ken Bacha.

While it is not known exactly who fired the deadly shot, it's believed based on ballistic forensics that it was likely ammunition used by troopers. A note recovered by the dead suspect to his girlfriend indicated Murphy wasn't going to surrender. District attorney John Peck read it during today's press conference.

"Dearest Julian, we both knew it was going to come to this... you are without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me... I'm sorry that it has to end this way," read Westmoreland district attorney John Peck.

Trooper Brian King was injured when state police initially tried to enter the home.

Today coroner Ken Bacha gave an update on King's status.

"He's back to duty. Back to work on full duty. He's a SERT team west technical training instructor and he remains blind in one eye," said Bacha.

Scott Murphy's girlfriend, Julian Upholster plead guilty to supplying Murphy with firearms used in both the robbery and violent end to the stand up.

She is currently in prison serving a two-and-a-half to five year sentence.

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