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Crews to install shielding under California Avenue Bridge after concerns over falling debris

City plans to put barrier under California Avenue Bridge
City plans to put barrier under California Avenue Bridge 02:20

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - The city said the California Avenue Bridge is in fair condition but crews will install some shielding on the underside of the bridge to catch falling debris after concerns from residents. 

Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey's press secretary Maria Montaño said an emergency inspection was done last Wednesday after residents raised concerns about debris. 

Don's Diner has sat under the bridge for decades. Owner Marcie Kemmler is tired of fearing falling debris.  

"I just feel bad for all our neighbors around here. There's a lot of people that travel," Kemmler said.  

She understands that in the city with the most bridges in the world, crews can't fix this overnight. She's been asking since last spring for some protection.  

"I just do not want them to come out rushing and somebody gets hurt and then they take the action. I don't want anybody to get hurt at all," Kemmler said.  

Inspectors found that the primary components of the bridge appeared to be in fair condition and they tried to remove as much loose material as they could, Montaño said.

The city got funding to install some type of shield for the underside of the bridge to help protect drivers and pedestrians. While talks with contractors have begun, Montaño said it'll likely be several weeks before the project can begin.

"It's a matter of securing the material required to do so. Obviously, some of those things with the supply chain are ongoing, so it takes a little bit longer than we would like," Montaño said.  

Kemmler will believe it when she sees it because she said city leaders told her it would be up in the fall of last year.  

"It would be good with a net. You put that net under there, at least they will be able to see what is happening, it will catch everything, nobody will get hurt, and I'll be okay with that," Kemmler said.  

Mayor Ed Gainey said with his bridge asset management program, the city now knows what bridges need to be fixed and when. He said that can't happen all at once.  

"We're moving in the direction we said we would. There's no microwave meals in development. With that said, it takes time to do this properly. If not, we will be in the same position we are right now," Mayor Gainey said.  

The bridge is also slated for a full rehabilitation project. Montaño said preliminary design is expected to begin in the spring with construction starting in late 2025. 

The bridge will be inspected again in March and September, per its routine inspection schedule. 

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