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Sandusky Hearing To Address House Arrest, Jury Selection

STATE COLLEGE (KDKA) -- Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is due in court Friday for a bail hearing.

Since his arrest on charges he molested a total of 10 young boys, Sandusky has been confined to his house and the immediate environs of his property.

He filed a motion asking to change that so he can have contact visits with his grandchildren. He says they miss his company.

But the prosecution says the condition should be more constrictive. They point to the proximity of Sandusky's house to a nearby school.

Prosecutors claim both teachers and parents became concerned when Sandusky was seen sitting on his back porch on a recent warm day looking at the kids in a playground which is next to a nearby elementary school.

The prosecutor says house arrest does not mean house party.

Sandusky's lawyer says there's no need for concern.

Prosecutors also want an out-of-county jury to hear the case, arguing that Centre County residents and the Penn State community are so intertwined objectivity may be difficult.

Sandusky wants a Centre County jury. The defense also wants reams of documents from the prosecution about their investigation.

The judge will consider all of these issues at the bail hearing.

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